Tribute Wall

Melissa Valentik-Trudell uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, November 1, 2023



My Grandpa is the most intelligent, clever, quick-witted and hilarious person I've ever known (and also the most handsome). He could do well at anything and knew everything, including how to play a mean game of Euchre. I will never forget the times he made me laugh until I cried and my abs hurt for days, or when we bonded over our favourite political leaders. I am grateful to have learned from his gentle wisdom and compassion.
These are photos of the most special day I shared with my Grandpa and my beautiful sister, Tanya, at Parkwood.
Grandpa, you are missed so much but will be a part of me always ❤️❤️❤️
Deborah Bedard posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
A special man has left this earth and left us with amazing memories. He was one of the calmest and coolest people I ever knew. Tons of charisma and always there with an open heart when you needed him. I miss him so much. My love goes out to all the family, remember that your memories are with you forever, I thank god for memories.
Brigitte & Daryl Campbell uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, October 24, 2023




My hero My Dad
I think most young girls see their father as superman. I know I did but that’s because he truly was! :))
The first time I remember seeing my dad come to the rescue was at a young age and for my Aunt Claudette. She always seemed to have a baby to care for and I loved that about her. I think she had a newborn at the time.
I forget the occasion but during a visit…Christmas time I think….Dad swoops in, wraps her in a blanket and off to the hospital they went. I didn’t know what was wrong at the time but I knew that if she wasn’t feeling well my dad would know what to do and would help her.
The second rescue I remember was during a car ride. We took turns, the four of us, and always loved those one on one special outings with him. You and me and a dog named boo was playing on the radio ( never forgot that song playing) when a young boy came across the road running right into us!!! Dad immediately scooped him up and raced him to emerge. Thank god the boy was ok and that we had room in the car to transport him immediately to hospital.
eventually he was able to explain that he had rode his bicycle into us and they determined that we couldn’t have avoided him.
Yet again a horrible crashing sounds carries up from the lake where we lived. Three young men, (one waterskiing and two in the boat pulling him) crash into a boat that is docked at shore. Actual hysteria!!
How on earth did a man my father’s size swoop in and pull this large man out of the water, resuscitate him …wrap a blanket around him and ambulance him to emerge with lights flashing and speeding all the way.
“Get a flashlight!! Get a blanket!! Keep rubbing him !! Legs arms !! Keep him warm !! He instructed everyone around
He knew what to do and just did it
That man spent 6 months recovering in hospital. It was nothing short of a miracle.
He was my superman ..our Superman
Oh my … I just remembered another
Jonnee-Mae & Carol lit a candle
Monday, October 23, 2023

Brigitte & Daryl Campbell posted a symbolic gesture
Monday, October 23, 2023

Brigitte & Daryl Campbell Posted Oct 24, 2023 at 6:45 AM
Such a go getter my Dad.
supported with the love of his life, he really lived and loved life. He could do anything and everything. And together they did just that AND made it look easy
Lived life to the fullest and always there for a friend….. or a stranger for that matter.
“ If you have any problems just call me “ he was there
Worked hard
Played hard
Did everything his way
Loved us all
Entertained housed and hosted us ALL
Famous, in my eyes and forever in my heart
Brigitte & Daryl Campbell lit a candle
Monday, October 23, 2023

Christina Paquette uploaded photo(s)
Monday, October 23, 2023

Not just my Grampa, but my best friend. Love you always and forever ❤️
Claude Depatie posted a symbolic gesture
Monday, October 23, 2023

Joanne posted a symbolic gesture
Monday, October 23, 2023

Steve Valentik uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Steve Valentik lit a candle
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Danny Lachance lit a candle
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Steve Valentik Posted Oct 22, 2023 at 11:11 PM
Clifford Paquette was my grandfather. He was not just my grandfather, he was the most influential person i have ever known. More than that he was the funniest most kind and caring person in my life. I have alot of him in me and I thank the lord for giving me some of those qualities. Grandpa has meant so much to me and anyone that met him. I hope I can be half the man he was. I love you grandpa up in heaven. May your spirit live on through all of us.
Tammy Lachance uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, October 22, 2023



Tribute To my Late Uncle
Uncle Cliff will be missed by all of us nephews and niece. He will always be one of our favorite uncle, #therealdeal he definitely was a man with a sharp sense of humor and also was a great friend to my father Danny and a loving brother to my mother Audrey.
My uncle loved making people laugh and smile. He was always determined to lean and find hobbies. Especially along side his wonderful wife Jackie. I know he loved her with all his heart. Uncle Cliff I raise my glass and make a toast for all the love laughter and even tears giving us all so many wonderful years. We all had the please sharing memories with you. You will missed and in our thoughts and family conversations, since there's so much to talk about lol. I can still hear your distinguished laugh. Certainly one of a kind.
Uncle Cliff your presence will be so missed by so many of us, we will never stopped loving you to the fullest. I believe your in a good place now. It just hard that it's not here with us. Love you Uncle, until we meet again. ❤️
Sean DesRoches lit a candle
Sunday, October 22, 2023

It was clear by how Loved he is that showed how great of a man he was...they say the good die young. but I truely believe the good never die... They live through everyone they left a mark on through their lives.. and he painted one hell of a picture for this world to remember him by... Rest in heaven uncle...I'm sure there's many there waiting for you as well... My love for all our family and those extended
Gilles Pelland uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Nancy Skopyk posted a symbolic gesture
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Christine Paquette lit a candle
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Jackie Paquette lit a candle
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sylvia Morgan lit a candle
Saturday, October 21, 2023

The family of Clifford Fletcher Paquette uploaded a photo
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

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The family of Clifford Fletcher Paquette uploaded a photo
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

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The family of Clifford Fletcher Paquette uploaded a photo
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

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The family of Clifford Fletcher Paquette uploaded a photo
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

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The family of Clifford Fletcher Paquette uploaded a photo
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

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The family of Clifford Fletcher Paquette uploaded a photo
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

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