Tribute Wall

Derek lit a candle
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Some Kind Words from her Bluewater Hospital colleagues
Josie : Maria and I worked a few years together. She was a very respected and cherished friend and colleague. I heard many Derek stories and I know how devoted she was to you.
Michelle : I loved working with Maria. She was so kind, taking me to lunch when I was going through a tough time. She will be missed.
Marlene : What a wonderful person. She had a good kind heart. Made me laugh. Cared so much for others. And how she cared and loved Derek.
Linda : She was a good nurse and a lovely person. I know she battled poor health off and on, but “quit” was not something she did.
JoAnn : She was one of a kind and we all loved her.
Bonnie & Michelle : We have so many wonderful memories of Maria from our SGH days.
Brian : It was a privilege to know Maria as a co-worker and as a patient, but also as a friend. She was always such as kind and thoughtful person.
Jane : I have a lot of fond memories of Maria. Loved working with her and will always cherish her friendship.
Bea lit a candle
Saturday, September 7, 2024

We will miss you Auntie Maria! We will always remember you as our loving, thoughtful, generous and funny aunt. So blessed to have you and Uncle Derek in our lives. Even though we didn't see you as often as we liked, when we did, we would always have a good time together ❤️ Thank you for always remembering me, and your grand nephews and nieces on their birthdays. Rest in peace! Love, Bea, Tim, TJ, Gabriella and Sabrina
Teresa Ho uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, September 5, 2024


My best sister...our best auntie, she will forever be in our hearts.
Sonya Ho posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
My Auntie maria will be missed dearly.
I will always remember what a loving and thoughtful aunt that she was. I really loved seeing her at family gatherings because she was always so sweet, funny and outgoing. I was always so happy that my mom had such a wonderful and loving sister. I remember how she always enjoyed the food that my mom and dad cooked at our parties and I know it made my parents so happy to see her and Uncle Derek happy. She will forever be in our hearts. My sisters and I will truly miss her. We love Auntie Maria and Uncle Derek and we are praying for Uncle Derek during this difficult time. Rest in peace, Auntie maria. We love you and miss you already. Life is too short. Thank you for impacting my life and being a light to my family.
Love always, your neice Sonya, James, Pepper and Peanut
Derek Ng posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Condolences from Maria’s Classmates
Sophia Kam: May Maria rest in Peace , 一路好走 , 在天堂再無病痛!Please send my sincere condolence to her husband !
Mabel Hui : May Maria rest in peace. Stay in heaven with God forever!
Doris Yip: May Maria joining her late parents, enjoying the eternal peace in the kingdom of God in His care.
Stephen So: Rest in Peace, Maria.
Jaymun Ma (BC): May Maria rest in peace and please send my condolences to her family.
Stella: Sorry to hear Maria’s passed away. My sincere condolences to Derek & we should take comfort to know Maria is now in Eternal Peace & joined her parents in heaven.
Sara Chan: Betty please send our condolences to Derek & family.
May she rest in peace and be united with her parents in heaven.
Alice Yu called me the day before yesterday and asked me to pray for Maria in my daily Rosary. Yes, she has been in my thoughts & prayers.
May God comfort her family who will cherish her memories.
I can hear her saying 蛋呀蛋呀 in my ears!
Stella: Good evening from Sydney to you all!
I have eventually arriving home safely after my 2 days on 3 long distance flights on deprivation of sleeps……
Grateful to be home in a whole piece without scratches……
On seeing Maria’s photos , I would like to share the following poem with you all. She would be in my thoughts forever.
Stella: ——陶淵明《雜詩》(其一)的人生觀感
Kirsten Sasaki lit a candle
Monday, September 2, 2024

Auntie Maria used to spend hours playing "store" with me when I was young. I looked forward to her visits, because she was the only one with the patience and kindness to spend hours letting me 'sell' her things. I will always remember her fondly and work to take care of my patients as well as I know she did.
Subhash Khimdas posted a condolence
Friday, August 30, 2024
Our sincere Condolences to Derek. We remember Maria from Bluewater Health and the group lunches in Sarnia. We pray for her soul to remain in peace. Saroj and Subhash Khimdas
Irene Ho posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Although I know Maria for only a few short years, I find her very considerate, genuine & caring.
May she rest in peace!!!
Our deepest condolences to Derek.
Irene & Alfred
Marina Ma lit a candle
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Maria has been a great friend for many years. She was a warm, caring, and most of all, very authentic person. We traveled together in several SPCC reunion trips, and we shared many good memories together. I am very sad for Derek and myself for having lost her, but also understand that she had not been well for the past several years. She is in a much better place now. I am remembering her in my prayers, and she will always be in a special place in my heart. My deepest condolences to Derek, who has also been such a great friend to me for decades. Peace and love, marina
Donald Woo posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Derek is one of my best friends since secondary school and I share his pain in the loss of his life companion. Although my wife and I don't know Maria all that well, she has always impressed us as being very kind, patient and attentive to Derek in the several occasions that we met. We have heard of her illness from Derek for quite some time, and we believe Maria has gone to a better place where she can rest in peace. We wish Derek to have strength and courage to adapt to the changes that come with the passing of a life time partner.
Betty Li posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
May Maria rest in peace and be united with her parents in heaven.
Alice Yu called me the day before yesterday and asked me to pray for Maria in my daily Rosary. Yes, she has been in my thoughts & prayers.
May God comfort her family who will cherish her memories.
I can hear her saying 蛋呀蛋呀 in my ears!
Betty Li posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Maria 老同學,永遠懷念你。My condolences to Derek.
Betty Li posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Sorry to hear Maria’s passed away. My sincere condolences to Derek & we should take comfort to know Maria is now in Eternal Peace & joined her parents in heaven.
Betty Li posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
My prayer for Catholic九日敬禮尚未完。i will keep praying for 49 days for Maria. Though Maria is gone. I will keep praying for her rest in peace. May God bless us ALL.
Betty Li posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
I have been Maria 's roommate for 3 years, We have a lot to share.We used to sit on the floor to study with hands supporting our heads to avoid falling asleep. We had invited boys of our class to our room101 to 开大檔打邊爐,On leaving
we were caught red-handed by home nurse with pans and crokeries.Those were the happy days!
My condolences to your loss Derek! 請節哀順變!
Betty Li
Betty Li uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Patrick Lai posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Dear Derek,
We are so sorry for your loss. We are thinking of you and please stay strong.
Elaine & Patrick Lai
Rosemary posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Sorry for your loss my best friend Derek Ng, now she is in the good hands of god no more suffering.
Kam and Rosemary
The family of Maria Po Yee Ng uploaded a photo
Monday, August 26, 2024

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The family of Maria Po Yee Ng uploaded a photo
Monday, August 26, 2024

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The family of Maria Po Yee Ng uploaded a photo
Monday, August 26, 2024

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The family of Maria Po Yee Ng uploaded a photo
Monday, August 26, 2024

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